It seems that this particular blog entry has been shared quite a bit recently, so I thought I’d take a look for myself. While everyone is going to have some level of disagreement over ‘best of’ lists, this one leaves me a little puzzled. Like every other writer, and music lover, I tend to have opinions that do not necessarily agree with the opinions of others.
There are a few bands appearing on this list that I would not put into the category of folk metal. Ulver seems to be a weird choice, especially when the author notes that they’ve created a hybrid that includes almost every sub-genre but folk metal. Just because you have cellos or ambient drums does not make you a folk metal band. Agalloch is another that I wouldn’t classify as being an example of folk metal. Sure, they incorporate several different subgenres, and much like Ulver, have sampled many different influences. Are they folk metal? I wouldn’t say so. Blackguard really does not strike me as folk metal either. I’ve seen Blackguard live numerous times with bands that are both folk metal, and bands that are more death or thrash influenced. While they fit somewhere in the middle, I would not use them as an example of folk metal.
With a ‘ten best’ list, you have to quite selective. The title suggested that I would find examples of folk metal upon reading the list. While there are some legitimate examples of what one tends to consider folk metal, there are a few that make me question the choices on the list. There are so many other bands that are much more distinctly folk metal than Agalloch, Ulver and Blackguard that including them to exemplify the sub-genre seems misguided. The other bands on the list are what most would likely consider folk metal, albeit being some of the most popular, well known bands of the genre.
I always like reading ‘best-of’ lists and contemplating why I either agree or disagree with the choices. Maybe I should just write my own list of 10 Best Folk Metal Bands.