Monday, 17 November 2014

Thoughts and Previews

I thought I'd throw up a quick post regarding a few of the items I am hoping to work on or talk about in the next while. I have not had much time to write lately due to an overwhelming amount of other commitments; namely my continuing post-secondary education.

Tomorrow I will hopefully be picking up a copy of this:

A review should follow sometime shortly thereafter.

Speaking of reviews, there are several albums that I have enjoyed this previous year for which I have not completed a review, and for which I would like to review. Hopefully at least a few of these see completion.

I have a few other ideas of articles I would like to write, but they require some more careful thought and a bit of preparation. Perhaps one or two of them will see the light of day.

Ensiferum has announced that they have completed work on a new album, scheduled for a February 2015 release. With this, new tracks should be released online, which I will be checking out. The first three Ensiferum albums are, by far, my favourites. 'From Afar' was pretty decent, but 'Unsung Heroes' began to venture into territory I was not personally a fan of. We shall see what this new album, titled 'One Man Army', holds in store. I do like the new look that the band has posted on their Facebook page though: