Saturday, 9 January 2016

Forthcoming Albums

Although the year has barely begun, there are a few upcoming releases that I am already looking forward to. Of course new years always bring new albums and 2016 appears as though it will be a good year for folk metal, and for Finnish metal.

First on the list of upcoming releases is Varg’s ‘Das Ende aller Lügen’. I’ve had this one on pre-order for several months as I was intrigued by the limited edition boxset option. Along with it, I should finally be receiving the ‘Rotkäppchen’ EP. Thanks to ridiculously expensive shipping from Napalm Records, this one is now several months delayed.

Next on the list is Wolfhorde’s ‘Towards The Gates Of North’. This will be the first full-length album from this Finnish band. After giving some of their previous material a listen, I’m quite interested to get my hands on a copy of this album. With the exception of some bands that have recently gained popularity and taken new directions with their music, Finnish folk metal rarely disappoints. This one is due before the end of the month although I’ve yet to find an easy way to get a copy.

Finland’s Moonsorrow will also be releasing ‘Jumalten Aika’ at the very beginning of April. I’m expecting more of that atmospheric experience that Moonsorrow is so good at providing from this album.

While The 69 Eyes are definitely not metal, they do fall into the gothic rock category that I enjoy indulging in every so often. I’ve spent a lot of time listening to these Finns and am excited for a new album. Especially since it will be produced by the same producer who helped create some of The 69 Eyes best albums. Entitled ‘Universal Monsters’, this one is due towards the end of April.

Although this list is (what I assume will be) only the beginning of the 2016 releases that interest me, so far it looks to be a promising year.