Saturday, 2 April 2016

Dark Funeral: "Where Shadows Forever Reign" Title Track

While I don't listen to much black metal, Dark Funeral is one of the bands that I have found myself indulging in. Unless it's coming from a select few bands, I rarely get excited over a black metal release but the upcoming offering from Dark Funeral is one that will likely get added to the collection.

They're set to release a new album, 'Where Shadows Forever Reign' on June 3rd. Being a sucker for dark, eerie album art, I love the cover of this album. Created by the same artist that did the cover artwork for 'The Secrets Of The Black Arts' (amongst some other greats), I truly hope that the atmosphere conveyed by that album art is the same found in the music. If the title track is any indication, this should prove to be correct.

Listen to "Where Shadows Forever Reign":