In anticipation of an upcoming Amon Amarth release, I’ve decided to comment on the previous albums. I don’t own Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds, so I cannot offer much comment on it other than the cover art was deemed controversial, causing journalists to question whether the band had racist motives. (Sometimes I’m forced to wonder whether journalists are just seeking a sensational story as metal has always seemed to offer some kind of controversy to the general public). After giving it a listen on Youtube, I would love to get my hands on a copy of The Arrival of the Fimbul Winter, released in 1994, but I imagine this might be an impossible task as it was limited to a thousand copies. Anyways, onto the albums that I actually own:
Track Listing:
- Ride For Vengeance
- The Dragons’ Flight Across The Waves
- Without Fear
- Victorious March
- Friends Of The Suncross
- Abandoned
- Amon Amarth
- Once Sent From The Golden Hall
- Siegreicher Marsch (Reissue Bonus Track)
Having spent some time recently with this album on loop, I was definitely impressed with it as a full-length debut. It’s raw in comparison with the most recent stuff, but still listenable. I notice quite a bit of influence from old death metal on this one, which I suppose isn’t too surprising when you consider that Amon Amarth’s roots are basically in death metal. I hadn’t paid as much attention to this album as I probably should have previously, but it’s quite good. Most of the lyrics tell a compelling and brutal narrative about battle. What more can you want?
My picks from this album: Ride For Vengeance, Without Fear, Amon Amarth
The Avenger (1999)
Track Listing:
- Bleed For Ancient Gods
- The Last With Pagan Blood
- Masters Of War
- North Sea Storm
- Avenger
- God, His Son And Holy Whore
- Metalwrath
- Legend Of A Banished Man
Being an earlier album, the death metal influence is more clear on this one than on later albums. There are definitely a few lesser-known gems to be found on The Avenger. To me, the songs almost flow together without obviously flowing together. This was likely the first death-metal influenced album that I owned and I think I enjoy it even more today than I did when I first acquired it. Again, I thoroughly enjoy most of the lyrics; brutal, raw and aggressive blends perfectly together.
My picks from this album: The Last With Pagan Blood, Legend Of A Banished Man
Track Listing:
- Bastards Of A Lying Breed
- Master Of War
- The Sound Of Eight Hooves
- Risen From The Sea 2000
- As Long As The Raven Flies
- A Fury Divine
- Annihilation Of A Hammerfest
- The Fall Through Ginnungagap
- Releasing Surtur’s Fire
- Eyes of Horror (Possessed Cover)
The Crusher seems to be my least-listened to album. Not because it’s bad, but because it’s the one I’m least familiar with. The vocals are still quite raw (and therefore not as clear to those uninitiated into the world of death metal) on this release. Having recently seen Possessed live, I quite enjoy Eyes of Horror as well.
My picks from this album: Bastards Of A Lying Breed, The Sound Of Eight Hooves.
Images borrowed from Wikipedia.