Monday, 18 March 2013


I love looking at clothing. I probably don't really need any more clothing. Sometimes I just find cool things that I want, and want to share. I know this is supposed to be a metal blog, but I like clothing, and some clothing is pretty damn metal. Here's a few sweet finds:

Pentragram leggings. What more can be said about those? I love them. I'm starting to like leggings more since they're versatile and it's possible to find some really neat ones. 
My only complaint about the awesome leggings that I've been finding lately: They're so expensive for being your typical spandex/cotton blend. I don't know how putting an awesome print on them raises the price so much, but if people like me are occasionally willing to shell out money to have a pair or two of unique leggings, I guess the prices will never drop. 

The jeans: If I had the opportunity to try these on in person, I'd be looking to buy them. I don't dare order jeans online unless I know how they fit, considering the vast differences in fit in every pair of pants. Perhaps it's better to be safe than be sorry. The back of the legs lace, and they're just a metal looking pair of jeans, paired with the right band shirt. I suppose one can dream, can't they?

Now I realize that this Amon Amarth graphic isn't exactly a piece of clothing, but it's pretty sick. If it were on a t-shirt, I would also consider getting my hands on it. It's not that often I find something with neon green in a style I'd normally wear, and this meets that criteria. 
(For all I know, it could have been, or could be, a shirt that I haven't found yet).

Well, I suppose this contributes to the random part of my blog. Like I said, sometimes things just need to be shared, and since I don't see any point in myself having a Tumblr account, this is as good a place as any to share random, metal related things that I run across.