Thursday, 10 April 2014

Deathstars - Upcoming Album

'Synthetic Generation' - The first Deathstars album

So it seems that industrial metal band, Deathstars, will be releasing a new album in June. While I honestly haven’t paid much attention to Deathstars as of late, I’m wondering if this might be one of those albums I pick up on a whim. Their first two albums, 'Synthetic Generation' and 'Termination Bliss', were on pretty high rotation in my discman for a while. (Yes, I was still using a discman when a lot of people were getting iPods and other devices). The fact that I was listening to Deathstars on a discman might give some hints to how long ago it was that I was giving their albums some serious listening time. While the aesthetic might appear cheesy to some, I actually kind of like the visual interest component. This has always been a band of big (and quirky) personalities. 

It looks as if Deathstars have had a few line-up changes over the years, as the line-up I seen them with at Ruisrock no longer exists in quite the same capacity. I never did pick up Night Electric Night, which was released several years ago in 2009. Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of industrial metal. Despite this, every once in a while I do enjoy (obviously) some Deathstars, as well as a bit of Rammstein and Pain. But that’s about as far as I go into the industrial metal scene. 

The new album, titled ‘The Perfect Cult’, could be worth picking up. If nothing else, it will be a bit of a throwback to when I first really seriously started getting into metal. Deathstars seem quite proficient in the industrial metal/rock genre. Industrial always feels like it belongs better in a club than being played at home, and unfortunately I haven’t found the time to go to a rock/goth/metal club just for the sake of going to a club for a number of years now. What would be interesting would be a North American tour so I could get the chance to see Deathstars again and compare my experience from years ago to a new one. 

Trailer for 'The Perfect Cult'