Amon Amarth
“Deceiver of the Gods”
From ‘Deceiver of the Gods’
This video, while containing the epic-ness typically found in Amon Amarth videos, comes at a perfect time in regards to promotional value. Amon Amarth is currently touring, and watching this video makes me more stoked to see them again. Produced in conjunction with, and containing clips from Northmen: A Viking Saga, it also creates a bit of a buzz for the movie. Perhaps some clever marketing took place, but really, what Amon Amarth fan was going to skip this movie anyway?
Cannibal Corpse
“Kill or Become”
From ‘A Skeletal Domain’
Considering it completely slipped my mind that ‘A Skeletal Domain’ has already been released, this is my first audio exposure to the latest Cannibal Corpse material. It definitely sounds like Cannibal Corpse to me, although the vocals may be a little bit less harsh than on some of the earlier albums, which would not be a bad thing. (Or perhaps I’ve been exposed to a lot more death and extreme metal since first listening to Cannibal Corpse). While the video isn’t entirely unique, it’s what I’d expect, with a lovely little bit of gore for all of those morbid death metal and horror loving fans out there. It probably won’t have me running out to buy ‘A Skeletal Domain’ anytime in the very near future, but it suffices.