“The Fen” is a track from Vampire’s self titled album released in March 2014. The entire album proved capable of creating a strong atmosphere that supports the horror-themed leanings of this death metal band from Sweden. “The Fen” is exemplary in doing so.
Vocalist Hand of Doom has stated that the video “does a good job at accentuating the moods of the music”, and this writer readily agrees. “The Fen” was easily one of the most emotionally evocative songs on ‘Vampire’, bolstered by a very atmospheric and moody opening. Video director Daniel Garptoft can be quoted as saying that “the video for ‘The Fen’ is where old school horror goes hand in hand with an evil soundtrack of old school death metal”.
Perhaps the perfect melding of old-school death metal and horror aesthetic, wrapped in a refreshing underground package, is what attracted me to Vampire in the first place. The self-titled album was easily one of my favorite releases last year, and this video is nothing short of an excellently disturbing take on an already resonant song.